Benefits of Local Residents

Benefits of Local Residents With
Save Time:
- Able to search all businesses in their community
- Able to search for local supports such as local authorities within their communities
- Able to find the contact of each business based on their needs
- Able to place order of any services or products from home
- Able to place pick up order to avoid the waiting time at the stores or restaurants
- Able to get service or products quickly since the delivery distance is shorter
Save Money:
- Home delivery service with zero delivery fee
- Zero bank charge for making payment via eCO
- Original price, no make up price from the stores (direct buy and online buy are the same price)
Save Effort:
- No app download is required, use phone camera to scan only
- App download option is available but up to users’ preference
- Scan order (QR code), web order (type website to order), app order (order from app)
- All the devices are usable – phones, computers, tablets